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To prevent such negative consequences, it is recommended to use special mesh protective pre-pump filters, which help protect pumping equipment from mechanical damage by using rough pretreatment of incoming water, and also prevent dangerous dense inclusions from entering pumps and other system elements from external sources.

Series: PVO-FN.

Clarifying filters play an important role in removing various impurities from water that can affect its color, smell and taste. Clarifying filters are ideal for cleaning from organic substances such as various acids, humus, small algae and other contaminants. Clarifying filters are widely used in water treatment systems to provide household and industrial needs with both drinking and industrial water.

Series: PVO-01FM01, PVO-01FM02, PVO-01FM06, PVO-01FM07.

Water softening filters are used to remove mineral salts, especially calcium and magnesium, which are the main causes of water hardness. Hard water can lead to scale accumulation on work surfaces and damage to machinery and piping systems. Water softener filters help soften water by replacing calcium and magnesium ions with sodium or potassium ions. This improves the quality of the water, making it softer and less scale-forming.

Series: PVO-01FU07, PVO-01FU08, PVO-02FU07, PVO-02FU08.

Degreasing filters are designed to remove iron and manganese salts from the water, as well as unwanted impurities associated with them. They are widely used in various fields, including private homes, commercial enterprises and industrial facilities, where water is characterized by a high content of these metals.

Series: PVO-01FK02, PVO-01FK03, PVO-01FK04.

The FVO series filters are a cylindrical chamber made of durable stainless steel. In the upper part there is an inlet through which water enters the inner cavity. At the bottom there is an inner bottom equipped with filter elements. When water passes through them, suspended and suspended impurities remain on the surface of the membranes. The liquid enters the lower part of the chamber, where the outlet is located, through which it enters the pipeline or reservoir for further use.

Series: FOV-1, FOV-2, FOV-2K, FOV-3, FOV-3K.

Mesh filters are used to remove large particles and contaminants from the water. Their main function is to trap and remove large particles and contaminants from the water stream. These filters are often used in the initial stage of the water purification process to protect finer and more sensitive filtration systems and equipment from mechanical particles such as sand, gravel, rust and other mechanical impurities. They can be installed in various water supply systems, including home plumbing systems, commercial and industrial installations, as well as water purification systems in factories and manufacturing plants.


Sorption filters, as well as other backfill filters, are used to remove various contaminants and impurities from water, ensuring the purity and safety of drinking water.

Series: PVO-03, PVO-04, PVO-05, PVO-06, PVO-01FC, PVO-01FC07, PVO-01FC10.

Gravel backfill filters are containers made of high-strength steel, inside of which there is a gravel loading. Cleaning is carried out when water passes through a layer of gravel.




The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPC PROMVODOCISTKA: reverse osmosis systems, filters for water treatment, water aeration systems, ultrafiltration plants, hydrocyclones, degreasing stations, sorption stations, water clarification stations, reagent dosing systems, wastewater treatment plants, grease traps, flotation pumps, flocculant preparation stations, screw dehydrators, drum sieves, pressure flotators, sewage settling tanks, filters coalescing, sand traps, pressure regulators, safety valves, pressure difference valves, multifunctional valves, manually operated valves, pump control valves, water hammer protection valves, air valves, solenoid valves, liquid level regulators, liquid flow regulators
  • Reverse osmosis systems NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Reverse osmosis systems
    Air defense-RO-0.25, air defense-RO-0.5, etc.
  • Filters for water treatment NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Filters for water treatment
    PVO-FN, PVO-01FM01, etc.
  • Water aeration systems NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Water aeration systems
    PVO-AEK-1.5, PVO-AEK-3, etc.
  • Ultrafiltration installations NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Ultrafiltration installations
    Air defense-UF, etc.
  • Hydrocyclones NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    PVO-GC, PVO-GCTM, etc.
  • Degreasing stations NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Degreasing stations
    PVO-03FK, PVO-04FK, etc.
  • Sorption stations NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Sorption stations
    PVO-03FC, PVO-04FC, etc.
  • Water clarification stations NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Water clarification stations
    PVO-03FM, PVO-04FM, etc.
  • Reagent dosing systems NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Reagent dosing systems
    PVO-DS, PVO-DS-D, etc.
  • Wastewater treatment plants NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Wastewater treatment plants
    PVO-TV, PVO-SV, etc.
    Grease traps
    PVO-ZHLT-1, PVO-ZHLT-2, etc.
  • Flotation pumps NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Flotation pumps
    PVO-NF, PVO-NFM, etc.
  • Flocculant preparation stations NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Flocculant preparation stations
    PVO-PF and others.
  • Screw dehydrators NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Screw dehydrators
    Air defense-SD, etc.
    Drum sieves
    Air defense-BS, etc.
  • Pressure flotators NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Pressure flotators
    PVO-FL-1, PVO-FL-2.5, etc.
  • Waste water settling tanks NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Waste water settling tanks
    PVO-OGT, PVO-OGTKK, etc.
  • Coalescent filters NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Coalescent filters
    PVO-FKV, etc.
    Sand traps
    PVO-PGK, PVO-PG, etc.
  • Pressure regulators NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Pressure regulators
    RKM-02-S, RKD-01-O, etc.
  • Safety valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Safety valves
    RKD-15-B, RKM-15-B, etc.
  • Pressure Difference Valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Pressure Difference Valves
    RKD-03-B, RKD-03-C, etc.
  • Multifunctional valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Multifunctional valves
    RKD-17, RKM-17, etc.
  • Manually operated valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Manually operated valves
    RKD-11, RKM-11, etc.
  • Pump control valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Pump control valves
    RKM 13, RKD 13, etc.
  • Water hammer protection valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Water hammer protection valves
    RKD-16, RKM-16, etc.
    Air valves
    AKV-AV, AKV-PL-VK, etc.
  • Electromagnetic valves NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Electromagnetic valves
    RKM-10, RKD-10, etc.
  • Liquid level regulators NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Liquid level regulators
    RKD-06-B, RKD-06-C, etc.
  • Liquid flow regulators NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Liquid flow regulators
    RKM-08 and others.


The company SPC PROMVODOCHISTKA (Nizhny Novgorod) has extensive experience in the field of implementation of innovative developments in water supply and sanitation systems.
  • production

    The company is ready to offer standard installations or individual systems for solving problems with water purification both for the private sector and for large industrial facilities (factories, production complexes).
  • cooperation

    The company cooperates with leading domestic and foreign research institutes and universities, which allows us to solve the most complex tasks related to the treatment of drinking water and wastewater.

    The company SPC PROMVODOCHISTKA successfully introduces new technologies and modern equipment, which allows us to qualitatively solve environmental issues and human life safety.


Learn more about our products NPC PROMVODOCISTKA.
  • Price list for products of the plant NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Price list for products
  • Equipment catalog from directory NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Equipment catalog
  • Catalog of control valve equipment in the store NPC PROMVODOCISTKA
    Catalog of control valve equipment
  • A questionnaire for the analysis of a water hammer. производства НПЦ ПРОМВОДОЧИСТКА
    A questionnaire for the analysis of a water hammer.
  • Questionnaire for the selection of the reservoir valve. поставщика НПЦ ПРОМВОДОЧИСТКА
    Questionnaire for the selection of the reservoir valve.
  • Questionnaire for ordering valves to yourself. производства НПЦ ПРОМВОДОЧИСТКА
    Questionnaire for ordering valves to yourself.
  • Questionnaire for the selection of a fluid level control valve in a resevroir. в магазине НПЦ ПРОМВОДОЧИСТКА
    Questionnaire for the selection of a fluid level control valve in a resevroir.
  • The questionnaire for the selection of the control valve after itself. марки НПЦ ПРОМВОДОЧИСТКА
    The questionnaire for the selection of the control valve after itself.


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